Herald of

Modern Italian fashion as unique socio-cultural phenomenon

Kozlov S.A.


The article attempts a comprehensive interdisciplinary con-sideration of the key aspects of modern italian fashion as a unique socio-cultural phenomenon. Regional differences inherent in the fashion of Northern and Southern Italy are noted. The article analyzes the origins of the aesthetic and ideological choice of outstanding fashion designers: D. Armani, D. Versace, R. Cavalli, D. Dolce and S. Gabbana, F. Ragazzi, etc.; special attention is paid to such qualities of their unique heritage as hard work, constant creative search, synthesis of traditions and innovations, «philosophy of perfectionism», productive use of the latest technologies and information communications. The main reasons for the high popularity of italian fashion in modern Russia are considered; conclusions are drawn about its significance for the world cultural and artistic heritage.


italian fashion; leading italian fashion designers; world socio-cultural heritage.

DOI: 10.31249/hoc/2021.04.11

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