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ISSN 2658-3291
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Herald of
Issue 3/2020
DOI: 10.31249/hoc/2020.03.00
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The image of the constitution in the form of a book in works of fine art
Andreeva G.N.
Fusion as a style in music of the 60 s – 90 s of the XX century
Bukreev V.A.
Trends in the development of musical culture in the 20 th century
Bukreev V.A.
Growth of the innovative component in the European cultural heritage
Vodopyanova E.V.
The Musical Mystery of Olivier Messiana
Gudimova S.A.
Metaphors of despotism: from the «iron hand» to the «iron heel»
Dushenko K.V.
Facets of Knowledge and Cognition in the Trilogy «The Great Journey» by L.V. Shaposhnikova
Diachenko I. Yu.
Little men in fairy tales from the brothers Grimm collection «Kinder-und Hausmärchen»: attributes and functions
Kalkaeva A.E.
Musical discourse of I.S. Turgenevʼs prose
Kryukova O.S.
Philosophical and ethical teaching Living Ethics: the text in the culture
Lavrenova O.A.
Detective in the space of culture
Fetisova T.A.
About the role of the banner chant in the culture of Ancient Russia during the Moscow tsardom
Kharitonov O.S.
Union of Philosophy and Philology. Book review: Chartres school: Guillaume of Conches. Philosophy; Theodoric of Chartres. A treatise on the six days of creation; by Bernard Sylvester. Cosmography, Astrology, commentary on the first six books of the «Aeneid»; Alan of Lille. The cry of nature. – Moscow: Nauka, 2018. – 457 p. – (Literary monuments)
Gudimova S.A.
The atrical movement in the context of the socio-cultural development of the region. Book review: Ivinsky G.P. Perm theater period. From the history of theatrical art of the Perm Territory. XIX – beginning of the XXI century. – Perm: Publishing Center «Title», 2014. – 684 p.
Khodanen L.A.