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“The Revolt of the masses” by J. Ortega-y-Gasset as a linguoculturological phenomenon of modernity

Гарсия-Каселес Кончита


This article considers the concept “Revolt of the Masses” by J. Ortega-y-Gasset, the greatest Spanish philosopher of the 20 th century, as a linguo-culturological phenomenon of modern times. Today’s world is developing at a breakneck speed, cultural values that have existed from immemorial time are either leveled or disappear with the same pace. Such concepts as “mass consciousness”, “dehumanization of art” “mass culture” and “revolt of the masses” in the context of the increasingly accelerating process of consumption society globalization becomes an extremely important and urgent problem in finding the genuine linguistic and cultural identity, as well as cultural and historical prospects for further development of modern civilization.


dehumanization; agglomeration; minorities; revolt of the masses; mass consciousness; mass culture; linguocultural identity.

DOI: 10.31249/hoc/2022.03.02

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