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H.-G. Gadamer and J. Derrida: the openness of historical experience

Gubman B.L.


F. Ankersmit came to the conclusion that, in their philosophical works, H.-G. Gadamer and J. Derrida did not create adequate prerequisites for considering the problem of historical experience openness, since they completely leveled it with linguistic means of fixing the past. The article reveals the inadequacy of Ankersmit’s evaluation of Gadamer’s and Derrida’s theoretical views on the openness of historical experience leading to the definition of both philosophers as living in the "linguistic prison". Gadamer's teaching about the role of an event that can change radically our historical views, as well as Derrida's understanding of negotiations between different cultures and traditions conducted in an intertextual context may be considered as offering a fresh and profound glance on the role of historical experience in understanding the past.


openness of historical experience; “sublime historical experience”; hermeneutics; poststructuralism; dialogue; intertextuality; negotiations.

DOI: 10.31249/hoc/2023.01.04

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