Herald of

The symbol is the archetype of the name in the socio-cultural space of the ethnos

Котович О.В.


The article examines the phenomenon of the name in the mytho-socio-ritual paradigm of family-tribal relations of an ethnic group, in which the name acts as a social marker focusing a wide range of semiotic functions. In turn, the name as the guardian of an infinite number of mythosemantic fields has a significant impact on the fate of its bearer. In the diachronic aspect, the name becomes the embodiment of the axial time of the Genus, a sign of cultural and historical interference, passionarity that is turned into the future.


name; mythosemantics of the name; naming; culture of the name; the concept of the name in family and generic practices.

DOI: 10.31249/hoc/2023.03.06

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