Modern peacekeeping symbolism of a dove dates back to the 18 th-19 th centuries. As an independent political emblem, the peace dove appears after the Peace of Versailles (1919). In the Soviet press until the mid-1930 s, it was rather a foreign emblem an alien emblem, behind which lies the militaristic essence of the bourgeois system. But from the 2 nd floor. 1940 s, the peace dove has become one of the symbols such as the red star or the hammer and sickle. By this time, the dove, with or without an olive branch, was already regularly encountered in various countries as a political emblem. Its further rapid spread was due to the peace movement and Picasso drawings created within this movement. Losing connection with religious tradition, the peace dove becomes a universal symbol of peacemaking and pacifism. The Olympic Movement marked the beginning of the symbolic use of not emblematic, but live pigeons. This ritual was picked up by world festivals of youth and students and may have influenced the emergence of a new custom in the Russian Orthodox Church, namely, to release white doves after the liturgy on the feast of the Annunciation.
Emblematics; pacifism; rainbow of the world; political caricature; Olympic symbols; World Peace Movement; P. Picasso.