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ISSN 2658-3291
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Articles for rubric "ARTICLES, REVIEWS"
«Science knows no country» – or does it?
«The Tables» of the constitution in works of fine art
Andreeva G.N.
The image of the constitution in the form of a book in works of fine art
Andreeva G.N.
Averintsev and the project of intellectual history
Asoian Yu.A.
Metaphysics of fatherlessness in the Greek culture in the interpretation of V. V. Bibikhin
Asoian Yu.A.
Fusion as a style in music of the 60 s – 90 s of the XX century
Bukreev V.A.
Trends in the development of musical culture in the 20 th century
Bukreev V.A.
Terminological aspects of culturological knowledge
Chernyakova N.S.
Christian theology as a science of humanity
Chernyavskiy A.L.
Facets of Knowledge and Cognition in the Trilogy «The Great Journey» by L.V. Shaposhnikova
Diachenko I. Yu.
A male as an incomplete female: a plot from the history of feminism
Dushenko K.V.
10% of the possibilities of the brain, or About the education of infant prodigies
Dushenko K.V.
«What is the use of a newborn baby?»: From the history of the relationship between science and society
Dushenko K.V.
To know something about everything and everything about something
Dushenko K.V.
Homo unius libri, or One Book Man: Evolution of a concept
Dushenko K.V.
«One night in Paris will suffice», or «The women will still give birth»
Dushenko K.V.
Metaphors of despotism: from the «iron hand» to the «iron heel»
Dushenko K.V.
The Mandarin Paradox: An Ethical Experiment in the Literature
Dushenko K.V.
History repeats itself twice
Dushenko K.V.
The gods go
Dushenko K.V.
Fear the indifferent!
Dushenko K.V.
Take a block of marble and cut off all that isn’t necessary
Dushenko K.V.
Be ready! – Always ready!
Dushenko K.V.
I had no need of that hypothesis
Dushenko K.V.
The most ancient profession
Dushenko K.V.
Try to prove you are not a camel
Dushenko K.V.
Art requires sacrifice
Dushenko K.V.
Portrait against the background of the era: A.N. Ostrovsky
Edoshina I.A., Shilkina I.S.
Comics – a product of American mass culture
Fetisova T.A.
Detective in the space of culture
Fetisova T.A.
Superman is the hero of our time
Fetisova T.A.
Luxury is a symbol of inequality. (Review)
Fetisova T.A.
Inspiration and madness
Gershenzon M.O.
“Potential text” category and its use in the theory of culture
Glebkin V.V.
Features of the musical life of Poland in the 19 th century
Gudimova S.A.
The Musical Mystery of Olivier Messiana
Gudimova S.A.
Heirs of Chopin's traditions
Gudimova S.A.
Musical concepts of the ancient world
Gudimova S.A.
Symbolism of the temple: Noah’s Ark (Overview)
Gudimova S.A.
Little men in fairy tales from the brothers Grimm collection «Kinder-und Hausmärchen»: attributes and functions
Kalkaeva A.E.
About the role of the banner chant in the culture of Ancient Russia during the Moscow tsardom
Kharitonov O.S.
Art history as a cultural history: Russian art at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries in the context of long periods of historical time
Khrenov N.A.
Pushkin: the birth of the conceptosphere of Russian culture
Kondakov I.V.
Musical discourse of I.S. Turgenevʼs prose
Kryukova O.S.
Caricature and poster as an art genre during World War II
Kuleshova O.V.
El Camino de Santiago as a socio-cultural phenomenon of modern Spain
Kuleshova O.V.
Philosophical and ethical teaching Living Ethics: the text in the culture
Lavrenova O.A.
«Sizzling years»: Cultural-philosophical studies by A. Blok and A. Bely
Levit S.Ya.
Poetic philosophy of F. I. Tyutchev
Levit S.Ya.
Levit S.Ya.
Philology and modernity: Vico, Auerbach and us
Makhlin V.L.
Cultural-historical values in an Argentinian variant of Spanish language
Nikitina M.S.
The crisis of the «conceptual man»
Perelshtein R.M.
In the direction of Pomerants and Mirkina. About the three stages of the spiritual path
Perelshtein R.M.
Body representations in traditional and modern cultures: comprehension problems
Pulkin M.V.
The main problems in the work of Vera Il’inichna Samohvalova (Analytical review)
Remezova I.I.
About fear and its social and cultural functions. Analytical review
Remezova I.I.
The problem of human integrity in Russian culture (Analytical review)
Remezova I.I.
Remezova I.I.
The problem of spirituality in human life (Analytical review)
Remezova I.I.
Urban space / the city as an object of research: historiography of the issue
Sinyavina N.V.
Romantic flashbacks in the collections of Alexander McQueen
Skryabina T.L.
On Western Influence upon the Formation of Japanese Social Thought
Skvortsova E.L.
Creativity as improvisation: existential and artistic aspects
Stupin S.S.
Africans in India: An essay on historical and cultural synthesis
Usov V.A.
Reading Amiel's diary
Vizgin V.P.
Growth of the innovative component in the European cultural heritage
Vodopyanova E.V.
Artist Ivan Bilibin (Review)
Zhuk E.N.